Contract Review Software: Legal Guide for 2024


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Table of Contents

Overview of Contract Review Software


Contract review software, such as ContractCrab, plays a crucial role in contract analysis and is revolutionizing the way legal professionals and contract managers review and analyze contracts. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology, contract review software automates the process, saving time and enhancing accuracy.

Role in Contract Analysis

AI contract review software is designed to extract information from contracts at scale, automating the contract review process by reviewing and analyzing key provisions of a contract. These software applications can identify and extract critical contract data, such as terms, obligations, and deadlines, with high precision and efficiency. By streamlining the review process, contract review software enables legal professionals to focus on higher-value tasks that require their expertise. This technology is particularly useful for complex contracts, where manually reviewing each provision can be time-consuming and prone to human error.

Benefits of AI in Contract Review

The integration of AI in contract review brings numerous benefits to the table. Firstly, AI contract review software can accurately identify contract risks, flagging unclear or outdated terms that may require attention. This helps legal teams mitigate potential risks and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Additionally, contract review software significantly reduces contract administration time. Processes that used to take hours or even days can now be completed in a fraction of the time. By automating the extraction of key contract information, legal professionals can efficiently review and analyze contracts, increasing their productivity and enabling them to handle a higher volume of contracts.

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According to Cottrill research, contracts govern 60-80% of business operations.

Contract review software also empowers legal teams to better organize the contract review process and results. These systems automatically locate user-specified information in contracts and summarize findings into charts or tables, enhancing workflow efficiency. By providing a clear overview of contract provisions, legal professionals can quickly identify patterns, trends, and potential issues within a contract or across multiple contracts.

Evolution of Contract Review Processes


As technology continues to advance, the field of contract review has undergone a significant transformation. Traditional approaches to contract review, which heavily relied on manual processes, are being replaced by modern methods that leverage automation and artificial intelligence (AI). In this section, we will explore the differences between traditional and modern approaches to contract review and highlight the importance of automated abstraction systems.

Traditional vs. Modern Approaches


Traditional contract review processes were often slow, costly, and prone to human error. These processes typically involved manual reading and analysis of contracts by legal professionals or experienced personnel. However, this approach had its limitations. It was time-consuming, and there was a higher risk of missing important provisions or making errors during the review. The initial results generated from traditional contract review methods were not always as useful or actionable as they could be.


In contrast, modern approaches to contract review harness the power of technology, specifically contract review software, to streamline and enhance the process. Contract review software systems have evolved significantly, shifting from early versions that relied on questionnaires to prompt users for input on specific contractual issues to contemporary systems that automatically locate user-specified information in contracts and organize findings into summary charts. These systems also incorporate workflow tools that help users refine results, improving the overall efficiency of the contract review process.

Importance of Automated Abstraction Systems

One crucial component of contract review software is automated abstraction systems. These systems are designed to extract relevant information from contracts automatically. There are two main approaches to automated abstraction systems: keyword searches (manual rules) and machine learning-based approaches.

  • Keyword search systems are relatively easier to set up but have significant limitations. They rely on predefined rules and patterns to identify and extract specific information from contracts. However, they may not be as accurate or efficient as machine learning-based systems.

  • Machine learning-based systems, on the other hand, are more complex to develop but can be highly powerful once operational. These systems use algorithms that learn from patterns and examples to automatically identify and extract information from contracts. They can adapt and improve over time, offering more accurate and efficient results.

The choice of technology in automated abstraction systems significantly impacts their performance and efficiency. It’s essential to select a contract review software that employs advanced machine learning techniques to ensure the most accurate and comprehensive results.

Enhancing Contract Review Efficiency


When it comes to contract review, efficiency is key. With the advancements in technology, contract review software has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance the efficiency of the contract review process. In this section, we will explore two key aspects of enhancing contract review efficiency: automating data extraction and improving workflow organization.

Automating Data Extraction

One of the primary benefits of contract review software is its ability to automate data extraction. Traditional contract review processes often involve manually reviewing and extracting key information from contracts, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error. With contract review software, AI-powered algorithms and machine learning techniques are leveraged to automatically extract relevant data from contracts at scale.

By using AI contract review software, legal professionals and contract managers can save significant time and effort that would otherwise be spent on manual data extraction. The software can quickly identify and extract key provisions, clauses, and terms, allowing users to focus their attention on analyzing the extracted data and identifying any potential risks or issues. This automation not only speeds up the contract review process but also helps to reduce errors and inconsistencies that may arise from manual data extraction.

Improving Workflow Organization

In addition to automating data extraction, contract review software also plays a crucial role in improving workflow organization. Traditional contract review processes often involve multiple stakeholders and various versions of contracts, making it challenging to keep track of changes and ensure efficient collaboration.

Contract review software provides features and tools to better organize the contract review process. These systems automatically locate user-specified information in contracts and summarize findings into charts, allowing users to easily navigate and analyze the extracted data. By organizing the information in a structured and visual manner, the software enables users to quickly identify patterns, trends, and potential issues within the contracts.

Moreover, contract review software often includes workflow tools that facilitate collaboration among team members. These tools enable users to assign tasks, track progress, and streamline communication, ensuring that the contract review process is efficient and transparent. By centralizing the contract review process within a software platform, users can easily access and reference prior reviews, making the overall process more streamlined and organized.

Impact of Contract Review Software


As technology continues to advance, the impact of contract review software on the legal industry is becoming increasingly significant. This section will explore two key ways in which contract review software is making a difference: accelerating contract review and empowering legal teams.

Accelerating Contract Review

One of the primary benefits of contract review software is its ability to accelerate the contract review process. Traditionally, reviewing contracts can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, often prone to human error. However, with the use of AI-powered contract review software, the process becomes more efficient and streamlined.

Contract review software utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze contracts and extract important information. These systems can accurately identify contract risks, flag unclear or outdated terms, and reduce the time spent on contract administration. By automating the review process, legal professionals can save valuable time and focus on more complex and high-value work.

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Juro's AI contract collaboration platform offers end-to-end contract management features and AI contract review functionality. Businesses using Juro's platform have reported being able to agree on contracts up to ten times faster compared to traditional tools. This significant time-saving allows legal teams to be more responsive and agile in their contract management processes.

Empowering Legal Teams

Contract review software not only accelerates the contract review process but also empowers legal teams to work more efficiently and effectively. By automating tedious and repetitive tasks, legal professionals can dedicate their time and expertise to more strategic and high-level work.

With contract review software, legal teams can prioritize higher-value work that requires critical thinking and analysis. By delegating routine tasks to the software, legal professionals can focus on negotiating contracts, ensuring compliance, and managing more complex legal matters.

Moreover, contract review software improves the organization of the review process and the results. These systems automatically locate user-specified information within contracts and summarize findings into charts or other visual representations. This enhances workflow efficiency and provides a clear overview of the contract’s key terms and provisions.

By leveraging the capabilities of contract review software, legal teams can optimize their workflow, reduce the risk of errors, and ensure a more thorough and accurate review of contracts. This ultimately leads to improved decision-making and better outcomes for businesses.

Approve Contracts 10X Faster with AI


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Future of Contract Review Technology


As technology continues to advance, the future of contract review is poised for exciting developments. Two key areas that hold immense potential for the future of contract review technology are advancements in machine learning and the integration of contract review software in legal and business practices.

Advancements in Machine Learning

Machine learning is at the forefront of contract review technology advancements. AI contract review software, powered by machine learning algorithms, is designed to extract information from contracts at scale. By leveraging AI and machine learning, these software solutions automate the contract review process by reviewing and analyzing key provisions of a contract.

With machine learning, contract review software can continuously improve its accuracy and efficiency. The software learns from patterns and examples to enhance its ability to identify and extract relevant information from contracts. As machine learning algorithms become more sophisticated, the accuracy and speed of contract review will continue to improve, saving valuable time for legal professionals and contract managers.

“When it comes to AI that is customized to your organization, every vendor or product will require work on your end. Since AI gets smarter with use, you have to make sure you are “teaching” it thoroughly. You will need to expend effort and time for it to learn your playbook, workflows and other aspects that are critical to the success of the contract review process. You will have to upload information into the production environment and provide feedback, so the AI knows what to look for. And then you must review a certain percentage of contracts manually to make sure the AI is working properly”.

Dan Broderick for Artificial Lawyer

Integration in Legal and Business Practices

The integration of contract review software in both legal and business practices is expected to become more widespread in the future. As businesses recognize the value of automating contract review processes, they are increasingly turning to contract review software providers.

Leading providers such as Juro, Kira, and ThoughtRiver offer AI-powered platforms that streamline the contract review process and enhance collaboration. For example, Juro’s AI contract collaboration platform enables businesses to agree contracts up to ten times faster than traditional tools, offering end-to-end contract management features and AI contract review functionality. Similarly, Kira’s automated contract review system helps prestigious law firms and professional service firms automate the contract review process by identifying and extracting data from contracts.

The future of contract review technology holds tremendous potential for revolutionizing the way contracts are reviewed and managed. Advancements in machine learning will enhance the accuracy and efficiency of contract review processes, while the integration of contract review software will transform legal and business practices. Stay tuned for the exciting developments that lie ahead in the field of contract review technology.

Nick Trenkler

Nick Trenkler

Senior Content Manager

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