
Contract Management AcademyContract Glossary

Contract Glossary 2024


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Government Contracting Terms Glossary


Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

The primary set of rules in the Federal Acquisition Regulation System governing federal government procurement processes.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

A document issued by a government agency to solicit proposals from potential vendors for a specific project or service.

Cost-Reimbursement Contract

A contract where the contractor is reimbursed for allowable costs to the extent prescribed in the contract.

Sealed Bid

A method of contracting that involves the submission of sealed bids and awards made to the lowest bidder.

GSA Schedule

A government-wide contract that simplifies the procurement process for federal agencies and vendors.

Performance-Based Contracting (PBC)

A contracting method that focuses on the outputs, quality, and outcomes of service and supply contracts.

Small Business Set-Aside

A program that reserves certain government contracts exclusively for small businesses.

Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract

A type of contract that provides for an indefinite quantity of supplies or services during a fixed period.

Sole Source Contract

A non-competitive contract awarded to a single source without soliciting bids from other vendors.

Option Year

A provision in a contract that allows the government to extend the contract for an additional year beyond its original term.

These terms cover a range of important concepts in government contracting, providing a solid foundation for professionals working in this field.

Contract Terms Glossary



A contractual obligation of one party to compensate the loss incurred by another party due to specified events or actions.

Breach of Contract

A violation of any of the agreed-upon terms and conditions of a contract.

Force Majeure

A clause that frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond their control occurs.


The benefit that each party gets or expects to get from the contractual deal.

Confidentiality Agreement

A contract that outlines information that must be kept private and not disclosed to third parties.


A method of dispute resolution where an independent third party makes a binding decision.


A formal change or addition proposed or made to a contract.

Liquidated Damages

A predetermined amount of money that must be paid as damages for failure to perform under a contract.


The voluntary relinquishment or surrender of some known right or privilege.

Termination for Convenience

A clause that allows one party to terminate the contract without cause, usually by providing advance notice to the other party.

These terms provide essential knowledge for anyone involved in drafting, reviewing, or managing contracts, ensuring a clear understanding of key contractual concepts.

Contract Law Glossary


Offer and Acceptance

Fundamental elements of a contract where one party proposes terms (offer) and the other party agrees to those terms (acceptance).


The legal ability of a party to enter into a contract, often referring to age and mental competency.

Mutual Assent

An agreement between parties that is evidenced by an offer and acceptance.


The authority of a legal body to administer justice within a defined field of responsibility.

Statute of Frauds

A legal doctrine requiring certain types of contracts to be in writing and signed by the parties involved to be enforceable.

Parol Evidence Rule

A principle that prevents parties from presenting extrinsic evidence that contradicts or adds to the written terms of a contract.


A situation where one party is forced into a contract under threat of harm, making the contract voidable.


A doctrine that allows courts to refuse to enforce contracts that are grossly unfair or oppressive.


The cancellation of a contract, with the aim of restoring the parties to their positions prior to the contract being made.

These terms provide a solid foundation for understanding the legal principles and doctrines that govern the formation, execution, and enforcement of contracts.

Contract Terminology Glossary



A financial arrangement where a third party holds and regulates payment of the funds required for two parties involved in a given transaction.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A legal contract between parties to keep certain information confidential and not disclose it to others.

Boilerplate Clause

Standardized language in contracts that is commonly used across many contracts and is generally non-negotiable.


A contractual obligation to compensate another party for any loss or damage that has occurred or may occur.

Counterpart Clause

A provision allowing a contract to be executed in multiple copies, each of which is considered an original.

Termination Clause

A provision in a contract that outlines the circumstances under which the contract can be terminated by either party.

Entire Agreement Clause

A clause stating that the written contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, superseding all prior discussions and agreements.


A formal agreement or promise in a contract to do or not do something.


An agreement for another party to perform part of the work or obligations of the main contract.


The act of replacing a party in a contract with a new party, transferring all rights and obligations from the original party to the new one.

Governing Law

The legal jurisdiction whose laws will be applied to interpret and enforce the contract.


A clause stating that if one part of the contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the contract remains in effect.


The transfer of rights or obligations under a contract from one party to another.


A promise or assurance that certain facts or conditions are true or will happen.


Failure to fulfill a legal obligation or contractual promise.

Force Majeure

A clause that frees parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond their control occurs.

Liquidated Damages

A pre-determined amount of money that must be paid as compensation for failure to perform under a contract.

These terms provide a comprehensive overview of essential contract terminology, covering various aspects of contract formation, performance, and enforcement.

Why a Contract Glossary is Essential


A contract glossary is more than just a list of terms; it is a crucial reference tool that aids in the clear understanding and precise execution of contracts. Whether you are drafting, reviewing, or negotiating contracts, having a well-organized glossary at your fingertips can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that all parties are on the same page.

A contract glossary encompasses a wide range of terms and definitions that are commonly used in contracts. It serves as a reference guide to help legal professionals and contract managers quickly understand and interpret the language used in various agreements. This section provides an overview of what a contract glossary includes and its benefits.

How to Use a Contract Glossary Effectively


A contract glossary is a powerful tool that can streamline the process of understanding and managing contracts. By integrating this resource into your daily workflow, you can enhance accuracy, efficiency, and clarity in all contractual dealings. Here are some tips and strategies for making the most of your contract glossary.

Tips and Strategies for Utilizing a Contract Glossary in Daily Work

  1. Reference Regularly. Make it a habit to consult the glossary whenever you encounter unfamiliar terms or need to clarify meanings. This ensures that you fully understand all aspects of a contract before proceeding.
  2. Integrate with Contract Management Systems. Incorporate your glossary into your contract management software, if possible. This allows for quick access and cross-referencing while drafting or reviewing contracts.
  3. Educate Your Team. Ensure that all team members are familiar with the glossary and understand how to use it. Regular training sessions can help maintain consistency in how terms are interpreted and applied.
  4. Highlight Key Terms. Use your glossary to highlight key terms that are crucial to specific contracts. This can be particularly useful during negotiations to ensure all parties have a shared understanding of important concepts.
  5. Keep Accessible. Store the glossary in a readily accessible format, such as an online document or within your contract management system, so it can be easily referenced at any time.

Creating Your Own Contract Glossary

Identify Common Terms

  • Start with Frequently Used Terms. Begin by listing terms that frequently appear in the contracts you handle. Focus on those that are essential to your field or industry.
  • Involve Your Team. Collaborate with colleagues to identify common terms. Different team members may encounter different terms in their work, providing a broader range of entries for your glossary.

Use Reliable Sources

  • Ensure Definitions are Accurate and Up-to-Date. Use reliable legal dictionaries, industry-specific resources, and authoritative legal texts to define each term. Accuracy is crucial for ensuring that all parties interpret terms consistently.
  • Consult Legal Experts. When in doubt, seek clarification from legal professionals to ensure that definitions are correct and reflect current legal standards.

Regular Updates

  • Keep the Glossary Current with New Terms. Regularly update your glossary to include new terms that arise as your field evolves. This is particularly important in fast-changing industries or when new legislation is introduced.
  • Review and Revise Periodically. Schedule periodic reviews of your glossary to ensure that all entries remain relevant and accurate. Remove outdated terms and update definitions as necessary.

AI for Contract Glossary Management


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Incorporating technology into contract management can significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy. ContractCrab, an AI-driven tool, offers powerful features to help manage and utilize a contract glossary effectively.

  • Using AI to Identify and Define Key Terms. ContractCrab uses advanced AI algorithms to automatically identify and extract key terms from contracts. This feature saves time and ensures that no important terms are overlooked. By automating the extraction process, ContractCrab helps maintain a comprehensive and accurate glossary, reducing the risk of human error.
  • Storing and Categorizing Glossary Terms for Easy Access. With ContractCrab, all identified terms and their definitions are stored in a user-friendly repository. This organized storage system allows for easy categorization of terms, making it simple to access and reference them as needed. Whether you need to look up a specific term or review a set of related terms, ContractCrab’s repository streamlines the process.
  • Quickly Finding Terms by Date, Type, or Relevance. ContractCrab’s robust search and filter capabilities enable users to quickly find glossary terms based on various criteria such as date, type, or relevance. This functionality ensures that you can swiftly locate the information you need, enhancing productivity and allowing for more efficient contract management.
Nick Trenkler

Nick Trenkler

Senior Content Manager

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